martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021

Present simple and continuous

 Ejercicio 1

 Ejercicio 2

 Ejercicio 3

 Ejercicio 4

 Ejercicio 5

 Ejercicio 6

 Ejercicio 7


2 comentarios:

  1. The Christmas consumeries

    At the present consumption is currently very high. Consequently, many people do not earn a lot of money but spend a lot at Christmas. In my opinion Christmas consumption should not be so high.

    First of all, people spend and consume more now than in the past, because they are looking for the need to consume a lot. In addition, most people earn very little throughout the year and at Christmas they spend more than necessary. Secondly, many people waste that money on things they don't use and throw away. As a result, they litter more, consume what is necessary, throw things away, and waste money that could be saved or spent on something more necessary. .

    In conclusion, I believe that Christmas consumption is overrated. I also believe that at Christmas the most important thing is not the material, is to spend time with your family and friends is such a beautiful time.

    The recycling of installing solar panels should be mandatory because that way we save the environment. Many people do not recycle because it is not mandatory and do not spend on panels because in the long run they spend less. For me it would have to be since that would be the only way to help the environment.

    Solar panels are very good and in the long run rent to have them, the disadvantage is that you have to pay taxes for having them.During the day you have unlimited light, you do not pollute, and it is not very difficult to install them

    In my opinion it should be mandatory to install solar panels to help the environment.
