lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022

Ejercicios de repaso para el examen


Para poder repasar podeís hacer estos ejercicios. Cuando terminéis pinchar en "Enviar mis respuestas a mi profesor", después introducir vuestro nombre completo, curso, inglés y el código clave de la profesora  (xg21ebpeg2). Finalmente darle a "Enviar".
Pre examen, una ficha interactiva de micavarrenti
Past simple tense, una ficha interactiva de jecika

1 comentario:

    The situation of feminism at the moment is not good, although it has come a long way in recent years. Today, we see many women married and with independent children, but others continue to live mistreated with the fear of saying everything and losing their children. In my opinion, no one should fear anything, least of all the man she lives with.

    First of all, the good causes of feminism is that thanks to it, women have been able to get the place they deserved and now they have rights, they can vote, work in whatever they want and many more things. In the times before feminism, women were seen as simple objects, that only served to take care of the house and their children and that is why we are all thankful for what has been achieved.

    The bad causes of feminism are that sometimes women abuse it without knowing its importance. On the other hand, others remain excluded without knowing it well.

    In conclusion, women should not have to go through bad situations of this type, because we are all equal.
