miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022

Repaso inglés para el examen del martes 8

Buenas tardes, os dejo aquí unos vídeos para que repaséis el examen del martes. Os recuerdo que a lo largo de este blog hay más explicaciones y ejercicios de todo lo que hemos dado.

Para el examen entra:

- El vocabulario de la unidad 1.

- Verbo + preposición.

- El presente y pasado simple.

Presente simple






Pasado simple 

- El Used to.




- Subject and object questions.

- Un reading.

True or false.

Elegir entre a o b.

- Un writing (libro).

Para poder repasar podeís entrar en esta págína (https://www.liveworksheets.com/) y buscar ejercicios. Cuando terminéis pinchar en "Enviar mis respuestas a mi profesor", después introducir vuestro nombre completo, curso, inglés y el código clave de la profesora  (xg21ebpeg2). Finalmente darle a "Enviar".

2 comentarios:

  1. At present, it is forbidden to drink alcohol in public places such as on the street. it is forbidden because people do not know how to control themselves after drinking, and that is why it is forbidden to drink it in public places, except in bars, etc. in my opinion, they have done well to prohibit it in the streets, since it saves more problems.

    First of all, people go crazy drinking on the streetAlcohol because it causes an increase in the release of substances such as serotonin and endorphin, which are the brain chemicals responsible for feelings of relatedness and euphoria. Therefore, alcohol abuse causes mood swings and behaviors such as mood swings, mood swings, and mood swings. In some countries it is forbidden to drink alcohol in public places such as Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Romania and there are other countries where you can drink alcohol but with restrictions and those countries are Sweden, Finland, Poland, Belarus, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Turkey.

    In conclusion, I agree with all the measures and of course with the fines and it also seems fair to me

  2. consumption of rechargeable batteries

    at present, rechargeable batteries are not mandatory in most countries. consequently, many people do not use rechargeable batteries at all. in my opinion, rechargeable batteries are better for the environment.
    firstly, people pollute a lot because they do not use rechargeable batteries. moreover, most of those non-rechargeable batteries are dangerous to wildlife. secondly, many people do not recycle because they are too lazy. in some british cities, recycling is mandatory. as a result, recycling has increased dramatically and councils spend less on landfill. experience has already shown that mandatory recycling produces good results.
    in conclusion, i believe that mandatory recycling is better for the environment. in addition, it is also cheaper for municipalities.
