martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022

Repaso examen tema 2 del 25 de Nov


Buenas tardes, os dejo aquí unos vídeos para que repaséis el examen del viernes. Os recuerdo que a lo largo de este blog hay más explicaciones y ejercicios de todo lo que hemos dado.

Para el examen entra:

- El vocabulario de la unidad 2.

- Compound nouns.

- El past simple, continuous and perfect.



    Past simple 


Past continuous



Diferencia entre el past simple y el past continuous

Past Perfect


5 comentarios:

  1. At present,install solar panels is not obligatory in most countries.Consequently, many people expend a lot of energy at all. In my opinion, compulsory install panels solar is better for the environment.

    Firstly, people produce a lot of energy expenditure every day. Also, if all the houses had solar panels it would be very good for the environment . Thee downside is the taxes . You have to take advantage of sunlight.

    If someone gives to pay taxes, it would be very good to have solar panels.
    You have to take advantage of sunlight !


    At the present time turning off the lights is not mandatory in many cities, and it is not given the importance it deserves. As a result many people do not turn off the lights when leaving the room or the living room. In my opinion turning off the lights is very important for the environment, and for our health and economic well being.

    First of all, the light bulbs seem harmless or the plugs but they are not because, the companies to manufacture all the components pollute. Most of us , leave the mobile phone charging all day that is bad for the environment, because companies produce more pollution etc; and that affects the environment , and also we must not be selfish, and can not pay for our failures our next generation and animals that have not done anything.

    In conclusion ,I think that for the environment is better ,to take seriously turn off the lights maybe an oversight nothing happens but the continuity and do it daily is what causes the damage.

  3. Writing

    turn off lighs
    At present, turn off lighs it is mandatory on all continents. As a consequence, many people do not turn off the lighs. In my opinion, turning off de lighs is very important to spend less and save more energy.

    First, people produce more electricity now than in the past because we use more light than before. In addition, most people spend more light considering the appliances and electronics they have at home.

    In conclusion, i think it is mandatory to turn off lights to have less expenses and spend less energy.



    At present, install solar panels is not obligatory in most countries. Consequently,many people do not install solar panels. In my opinion,mandatory solar installation is better for the environment.

    Firstly,Solar energy does not emit greenhouse gases, so it does not contribute to global warming. In fact, it is one of the most efficient renewable technologies in the fight against climate change. also the plates are not feasible at night so there is no electricity at night. Secondly consequently High installation cost,Need of a large area for its installation, andIt is not constant during the day and during the year,Expensive to store.

    In conclution, I belive I believe that mandatory solar panels are better for the environment. Furthermore , its also cheaper for local councils.



    At present, install solar panels
    the installation of solar panels is not mandatory in most countries. as a result, many people do not install solar panels at all. in my opinion, compulsory install solar panels is better for the environment.

    First of all the installation of solar panels is better because it saves us on the electricity bill, secondly many people install it because it does not pollute as much. In some cities like Murcia they use solar panels a lot, as a result they have saved a lot of money.
    This experience has already shown that the installation of mandatory solar panels produces less results.

    In conclusion, I believe that the installation of solar panels is the best way to save money.

